We’ve just produced a new video in intermediate-advanced level Latin about the spirits and gods of the Underworld and the only thing they fear: Erictho, the most terrifying witch of Thessaly who intimidates even Pluto himself. This video is designed to be a supplemental resource for those who read our upcoming book, Erictho: Tartarorum Terror, though it works as a standalone film about the Underworld as well!
Included in this video are segments on Pluto, Proserpina, Cerberus, the Furies, and the Fates. We’ve also included some information about Sextus Pompey, the other main character in book VI of Lucan’s De Bello Civili (also titled Pharsalia) and our book, and what motivated him to venture to the lair of Erictho. We also describe some of the ways that Erictho terrified and threatened the gods of the Underworld in order to get her way.
In order to help both learners and teachers who might use our resources, we’re linking both the Latin script of the video here as well as an English translation. Feel free to print-out and copy these scripts as you see fit! There are also Latin and English caption option options for the video.
Curate ut valeatis!
P.S. You might notice a new voice narrating this video. It’s Victor K., who also wrote the script. You can read more about Victor and Lupus Alatus here.